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Friday, November 19, 2010

Tips Cepat Menjawab Soal Teks Bahasa Inggris

1. Untuk mencari informasi utama, bacalah kalimat pertama dari setiap paragraf, kemudian gabungkan gagasannya.
2. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan sebab-akibat, carilah pertanyaan di wacana yang sama dengan kalimat soal. Kemudian perhatikan kalimat sebelum dan sesudah pertanyaan tadi; Disanalah terletak jawaban dari soal.
3. Dalam menjawab pertanyaan melengkapi gagasan, lihatlah di wacana pertanyaan yang sama dengan potongan kalimat soal, dan lihat kelanjutan kalimat tersebut. Itulah jawabannya.
4. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan benar atau salah (true - not true), baca setiap opsi, kemudian carilah kalimat di wacana yang menyatakan kesamaan informasi dengan opsi.
5. Untuk mencari inti masalah paragraf, bacalah kalimat pertama dan atau kalimat terakhir. (untuk mencari tujuan utama).
6. Untuk mencari tajuk cerita, gabungkanlah gagasan kalimat pertamadan terakhir. Bila perlu ditambah gagasan kalimat kedua.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010


There are some aspects that became a benchmark of one's manhood:

1. Intellectual
Adults say it is seen from our ability to form the establishment. not wishy washy! That is, we have a clear stance or principle so that is not easily confused in attitude. Receiving other people's opinions but it may better make their own decisions firmly and free. The point still think very carefully before deciding anything.

2. Emotional
This is the most visible of a person. If we are able to control emotions, whatever problems we are experiencing, can be faced with either without fear and anxiety. Controlling emotions is very necessary in order not to harm others. Really lazy if we stigmatize people emotion and finally left!

3. Social
Social aspect is reflected in the openness towards others. We always managed to make a friendship. Does not depend on anyone, but that does not mean we do not need anyone else. We can adapt and respect the laws, customs and mores of society wherever we are. The point is to think positive about everyone, and low self-esteem.

4. Moral
Generally the more mature of us, will be more concerned with others rather than yourself. That is selfish level we can be depressed because we feel we are not alone in this world. The higher our moral more we appreciate each other.

5. Spiritual
Maturity can be seen in terms of how confident are not narrow. We are able to interact and nurture good relationships with people who believed differently from ourselves. If you've reached it, we are able to love others without the boundaries of religion, race, ethnicity, or class. And most importantly always come first and the feelings of our hearts for the above or our Lord.

The characteristics of a mature love, among others:

* Patience, gentle and loving
* Putting in a salute to each other
* Be able to control sexual desire
* Generous and unselfish
* Do not justify themselves
* Mutual understanding and tolerance
* Trust each other
* Easy to forgive a mistake
* Willing to sacrifice for couples
* Honest and open with each other
* Accept what is
* Put the common interest above their own interests
* Thinking of the future
* A sense of love as deep and enduring love for one another

In contrast to adult love, love to be volatile as a representation of Love Eros (Lust) are among others:
* Stands out in terms of thoughts about sex
* Each stand out as that should take precedence
* Selfish
* Irritability
* Vindictive and bob up and down error
* Demanding preferential treatment
* Easy suspicious and jealous
* Justify themselves
* Like to count in their respective service
* Dishonest
* Often thought to pleasure moment
* Extinguished the fire of love very easily replaced by hatred

(realeased from kompas.com and rubik-cinta.blogspot.com)