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Sunday, October 24, 2010

How to Criticize Good

In everyday life, there must be something less than satisfactory. For all the lack of it, there should be improvement. Both superiors and subordinates need to give constructive criticism. It's not wrong. Constructive criticism helped many people who are likely to make the same mistake.

In criticizing one's actions, there are some clues that need to be followed.

1. Between four eyes
Faced criticism cultivated between four eyes. Do not embarrass or eliminate the person's face to reveal the errors and shortcomings in front of lots of people. Better to call the person who will be criticized for it to place its own, so to speak face to face without hearing the other person. This applies to all people. Criticizing the wife, husband, children, friends, superiors and subordinates, Wherever it is best done at between four eyes.

2. With a friendly and praise
A person who wants to criticize, to master emotions, in order to remain friendly and calm. Do not deliver criticism in a voice shouting and angry faces. Let speak kindly.
It is better if you praise the good qualities that would be criticized it first.
Many good person who can be praised. Thus, people who criticized it more happy and serene in acknowledging these mistakes.

3. Do not harass the private
Have argued that the criticism does not directly attack the person who has been criticized. Criticism can cause a great fight if it's personal touch. Name of Tribe or family name (genus) should not be included in the criticism. Better to tell the person criticized is not accidentally make the mistake. Thus, it is not too hurt, and want to fix that has been wrong.

4. Tells how to overcome problems
Almost every mistake and neglect can be repaired. A person who criticizes it is appropriate that know how to solve problems.

5. Ask for help from someone who has been criticized
After criticism, of course want to have it repaired. In the recommended fix problems, not as if suing people who criticized it for repair. More successful if we ask for help. Ask for help so he would fix these errors.

6. One criticism for each violation
Do not act fussy for repeating his criticism. Better to take special time and talk to the person who will be criticized for that special place. Speak frankly, clear and understandable. This is better than repeating his criticism. And to note, do not drag it slightly to mix the mistakes of the past.

7. End with hospitality
After asking criticism and inform the way out, the event that criticism must end with the atmosphere of friendship. If allowed, do not break the tense atmosphere .. After all the warmth of the meeting, must be arranged so that the atmosphere again subsided. Shook hands before parting.

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