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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Human Rights

In general, human rights understood as the most fundamental rights inherent in human beings, solely because he is human.
Fundamental human rights or fundamental and universal.
What is meant by fundamentals is that human rights have been present in humans since it "is" (since in the womb until he died). Right that's what it shows he is human beings who have dignity.
Universal contain mean that human rights apply to every human in the world, without distinction of age, sex, tribe, nation, ethnicity, religion, color, and other differences.

Fundamental rights include:

1. Rights of citizens, which includes the free space that must be guaranteed to every government for every citizen. Government should not intervene on the personal space of its citizens, namely the right to live and feel safe, to be alone, to family, to private property, our opinion freely, embrace and implement the religion / faith, and come together in peace.
2. Political rights, namely the right to provide "stock", either alone or jointly, to the government in running the government. In it included the right to associate, form political parties, participating elect and be elected in general elections, held public office, and so forth.
3. Economic rights and social, namely the right of a person in dealing with the state, for the purpose of eliminating social disparities and economic inequality and limit the losses caused by natural, age, and so on.
4. In relation to economic rights and social, emerged the rights of the minorities and nations. They have a fundamental right to self-determination, namely both in terms of international status to choose freely their own, as well as to the type of government best suited to the aspirations of its people.

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